For qXR

The Modality field in your DICOM file's metadata must contain one of these values: CR, CX, DR, DX. Our API only accepts DICOM files with these values, which should be set by your system before upload.

CriteriaAccepted Values

Radiographic View

Posteroanterior (PA), Anteroposterior (AP) Views

Resolution (in pixels)

  • Minimum: 224x224

  • Recommended: 1440x1440

Image Processing Level

Instance Level

Patient's Age

6 years or older

Patient Position

Erect, Supine



File Format

Valid DICOM format

Body Part Imaged


Scans that are incomplete, do not correspond to the specified body parts, or contain the following elements will be excluded from processing:

  • Artifacts

  • Prosthetics

  • Implants or joint replacements

  • Treated fractures, indicated by the presence of a cast, metal plates, or screws

Last updated