For qMSK

The Modality field in your DICOM file's metadata must contain one of these values: CR, CX, DR, DX. Our API only accepts DICOM files with these values, which should be set by your system before upload.

CriteriaAccepted Values

Radiographic View

Frontal, Lateral, Oblique

Minimum Resolution (in pixels)

  • Minimum: 224x224

  • Recommended: 1440x1440

Image Processing Level

Instance Level

Patient's Age

18 years or older

Patient Position

Frontal, Lateral, Oblique



File Format

Valid DICOM format

Body Part Imaged

  • Ribs

  • Clavicle

  • Shoulder

  • Humerus

  • Elbow

  • Forearm

  • Wrist

  • Hand or Fingers

  • Hip

  • Pelvis

  • Femur

  • Knee

  • Tibia or Fibula

  • Ankle

  • Foot

  • Leg

  • Toes

Scans that are incomplete, do not correspond to the specified body parts, or contain the following elements will be excluded from processing:

  • Artifacts

  • Prosthetics

  • Implants or joint replacements

  • Treated fractures, indicated by the presence of a cast, metal plates, or screws

Last updated