Get Started

This section provides an overview of the steps to build your integration with Platform APIs.

Step 1. Get Your Credentials for the Test Environment

To build your integration with Qure Platform APIs, you need the following credentials:

  • Base URL: The root address for all your API requests.

  • Source: A user identifier for your API requests.

  • Token: Required for API authentication.

To obtain these, contact

Step 2. Build Your Integration

Start integrating the Platform APIs with your medical system. This includes configuring API endpoints, setting up DICOM image uploads, and implementing result-fetching functionalities.

Go to any of the following Platform API Integration guidelines based on your requirements:

Step 3. Test in Pre-Production Environment

After you have built your integration, it must be tested in a pre-production environment. This is done to ensure that your integration meets our standards without any issues. During this phase, Qure's team may suggest adjustments or improvements to optimize your integration. Your team will be responsible for implementing these changes to ensure the best performance and compatibility with the Platform APIs.

Step 4. Get Access to Production Environment

Following successful testing and any necessary adjustments, Qure will provide access to the production environment. This is where your integration becomes operational and starts processing real data.

The integration specifications, such as API endpoints and data handling, are the same in both the pre-production and production environments

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