API Changes

The fundamental workflow for interacting with Qure Platform APIs remains consistent with that of the Legacy APIs, consisting two key steps:

  • Upload DICOMS

  • Fetch results for the uploaded image

However, there are major updates to the APIs associated with these operations. Below is a detailed endpoint map that outlines the correspondences between legacy and Platform API endpoints:

OperationLegacy APIPlatform API

POST /studies

POST /studies


POST /upload

GET /results/<SOPInstanceUID>

GET /results/<SOPInstanceUID> or GET /results/<SeriesInstanceUID>

Uploading DICOMs

Besides maintaining the /studies API, the Platform API introduces an additional /upload API for uploading DICOM images. The structure of the JSON response for uploads remains largely consistent across both Legacy and Platform APIs.

Fetching Results

For fetching diagnostic results, the Legacy API involves using the /results endpoint. Specifically, results are accessed by appending the SOPInstanceUID to the URL, forming /results/<SOPInstanceUID>. The Platform API extends the capabilities of the /results endpoint by allowing results to be fetched using either SOPInstanceUID (/results/<SOPInstanceUID>) or SeriesInstanceUID (/results/<SeriesInstanceUID>).

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