Initiate Computation

If stability is disabled in your sourcerunconfig, you must initiate computation for the uploaded images. To initiate computation for your DICOMs use the /compute API. You must include the SeriesInstanceUID in the request URL.

API Format

GET /compute/<SeriesInstanceUID>

Request Formats

curl -X GET \\
-L 'Base_URL/compute/<SeriesInstanceUID>' \\
-H 'Authorization: Token <PASTE_YOUR_TOKEN>' \\
-H 'Source: <PASTE_YOUR_SOURCE>' \\
-H 'User-Agent: <YOUR_USER_AGENT>'

Success Response

Upon successfully initiating computation you will receive a 200 OK response along with the following JSON body:

    "message": "series_instance_uid successfully pushed for computation!",
    "success": true

Other Responses

  1. 304 Not Modified

    This indicates that the DICOMS have been already pushed for computation.

        "message": "series_instance_uid was already pushed for computation!",
        "success": true
  2. 401 Unauthorized

    This response occurs when the Authorization header has either no token or a wrong token.

        "message": "Invalid token header. No credentials provided.",
        "next": "/accounts/login/",
        "authenticated": false
  3. 403 Forbidden

    This response is given when the Source header is either no source or the wrong source.

    	"success": false,
    	"message": "Access denied!"
  4. 404 Not Found

    This indicates that the requested image or series could not be found, possibly because it has not been uploaded yet.

    	"success": false,
    	"message": "Resource with SeriesInstanceUID <SeriesInstanceUID> is not yet uploaded!"

Last updated