For qCT

To fetch the results for your DICOMS, you can use the /results API. You must include the SeriesInstanceUID in the request URL.

API Format

GET /results/<SeriesInstanceUID>

Request Formats

curl -X GET \\
-L 'Base_URL/results/<SeriesInstanceUID>' \\
-H 'Authorization: Token <PASTE_YOUR_TOKEN>' \\
-H 'Source: <PASTE_YOUR_SOURCE>' \\
-H 'User-Agent: <YOUR_USER_AGENT>'

Success Response

Upon successfully fetching results, you will receive a 200 OK response along with the following JSON body:

    "success": true,
    "message": "Results retrieved successfully!",
    "triage_status": "<triage_status>",
    "result": {
        "files": {
            "sc": [
            "pdf": [
            "sr": [
            "sc_key_slices": [
            "seg": [
            "gsps": [
            "json": [
            "pr": [
            "hl7": [
            "encapsulated_pdf": [
    "usecase": "qct"

The response contains a result object with a files object that holds a list of related assets, such as images and various reports, each with a corresponding URL. It's important to note that these URLs are temporarily valid, expiring after 15 minutes.

To learn more about the various keys and parameters in the JSON response, refer to the Fetch Results API Reference.

Other Responses

  1. 202 Accepted

    This indicates that the request has been accepted for processing, but the processing is not complete. It's common when predictions or analysis are still underway.

        "success": false,
        "message": "Resource with sopInstanceUID <SOPInstanceUID> is under process. Please check back in some time."
  2. 401 Unauthorized

    This response occurs when the Authorization header has either no token or a wrong token.

        "message": "Invalid token header. No credentials provided.",
        "next": "/accounts/login/",
        "authenticated": false
  3. 403 Forbidden

    This response is given when the Source header is either no source or the wrong source.

    	"success": false,
    	"message": "Access denied!"
  4. 404 Not Found

    This indicates that the requested image or series could not be found, possibly because it has not been uploaded yet.

    	"success": false,
    	"message": "Resource with sopInstanceUID <SOPInstanceUID> is not yet uploaded!"
  5. 400 Bad Request

    This response is returned when there's an unsupported use case, such as uploading an unsupported modality.

        "success": false,
        "message": "Use case not implemented",
        "seriesInstanceUID": "<series_instance_uid>",
        "accessionNumber": "<accession_number>",
        "debug_info": {
            "reason": "Validity not determined yet!"
        "result": {}

Last updated