Platform API Migration Guide

This guide outlines the steps necessary for migrating from Qure's Legacy API to the Platform API. It's designed to facilitate a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your current workflow.

Get Started

Before beginning, it is essential to review the What’s Changed Documentation to understand the scope of changes in API functionalities, data formats, and integration processes.

Site Identification Process

To begin your migration, you need to identify and catalog all the sites that will transition to the Platform API. This involves the following steps:

  1. Compile a list of all sites slated for migration, to get a clear overview of the scope of your transition.

  2. Determine if any of the sites require continued access to the Legacy JSON format for the /results API during the migration phase.

  3. Inform Qure of your site-specific preferences regarding the response format. This collaboration is vital for tailoring the migration process to meet your specific needs.

Configuration Migration

After you’ve informed your site-specific preferences, for sites opting to maintain the Legacy JSON response format, Qure will add the following configurations to your SourceRunConfig :

  "client_config": {
    "client": "CXRAPI",
    "enable_client_results": true

This is implemented by Qure's backend team to ensure that your transition is smooth and devoid of any operational hiccups. We will also migrate all pertinent configuration settings for each site. This ensures full compatibility with the Platform API.

Integrate Platform APIs

After the above processes are complete, you can integrate with Platform APIs. You have to acquire new API URLs and tokens for the preproduction environment by contacting us at

If you are beginning to develop your Platform API integration, we recommend starting with our Platform API Fundamentals guide.

Testing and Verification

After you’ve built your integration, each site should undergo thorough testing to validate the integration. Execute tailored tests for each site, focusing on requests to the /results API and examining the responses. Carefully verify that the outputs and responses meet your expectations, ensuring that the transition to the Platform API maintains the integrity and accuracy of your operations.

Go Live

Before going live, Qure will provide you with the production API URLs and tokens, enabling a thorough testing phase within the actual production environment. This crucial testing ensures that every aspect of the API integration functions flawlessly, guaranteeing a seamless operational transition.

Last updated